Stories, Lore, and Assorted Yarns
 | Campfire
Tales - Visit ScoutNet UK's "Campfire Tales" site for a
unique campfire experience! Visitors to this page actually BECOME PART
OF THE CAMPFIRE TALE! This interactive "yarn spinning" site
allows you to add to a campfire tale-in-progress. The results are
always a surprise! So......"Come sit by the fire, and let us
weave tales of wonder and imagination" AWESOME!! |
 | Stories
for Scouts - From the MacScouter mega-site, here is a growing
resource of stories suitable for young people, families, Cub Scout
Pack meetings and campfires. The young kids like the Shaggy Dog
Stories, but don't usually "get it", while the parents groan
over the punch lines. There are ghost stories and mysteries here also. |
 | Native
American Lore from Stonee's Web-Lodge - Over 130 wonderful (and
spiritual) stories rooted in Native American lore. To compliment the
fantastic story-telling content (and set the mood), the site is full
of cool Native American artwork. This work has been selected as a
"Valuable Internet Resource" for Discovery Channel School's
Discover Magazine, and is a MUST for all Cub Scout Leaders! |
 | Nuggets
of Fact and Fiction - Shrouded in myths and legends, the Klondike
Gold Rush attracted tens of thousands of drifters and dreamers of the
late nineteenth century. It was triggered by newspaper coverage during
an era of sensationlist journalism. This information might have been
fact or fiction. It didn't matter to the 100,000 stampeders who set
out immediately for the Klondike. And ever since, the Klondike Gold
Rush has been shrouded in mythology. Here are a few "nuggets of
fact and fiction" surrounding the Gold Rush. Sourdoughs and
Cheechakos, Skookum Jim, Martha Louise Black, Diamond Toothe Gertie,
The Cremation of Sam McGee, The Bishop Who Ate His Boots, Chilkoot
Trail Supplies, and Belinda Mulroney Not guarenteed for all audiences.
Check 'em out! |
 | Native
American Story And Philosophy Resources - Links to over 50 on-line
mega-resources for Native American lore and story-telling. There are
some GREAT stories here. But beware, once you start reading these,
it'll be tough to stop! This collection is hosted by Native
Tech. Their site is an excellent resource for Scouters that
respect and revere the history, and traditions of the native peoples
of the America's. |
 | Myths
and Legends for American Indian Youth - Site designer Paula Giese
says: Aadizookaan -- means (in Anishinaabemowin, or Ojibwe language)
"a traditional story", what anthros and others seem to like
calling legends or myths. These are -- or in their original, were --
often sacred. Those represnt large themes of human existence: where we
came from, how we should live, reconcilliation to the tragedies of
life, thankfulness There are smaller stories: teaching, humorous,
answering "Why?" questions about natural phenomena and
behavior. Finally, traditional indigenous peoples had no TV, no books;
stories were entertainment, too." |
 | Stories
and Storytelling - Yet another masterpiece from Steve Tobin's
"The NetWoods Virtual Campsite." It includes: "Campfire
Stories Handbook - A large collection of stories from many sources.
Story Telling Effectively - How-to Tips. How to Use Stories - Here's
how stories can be used in a variety of situations, with some good
story examples. Shaggy Dog Story - Here's a genuine shaggy dog for
your next campfire. Stories from American Indian cultures. The Bear's
Tail. The Buffalo and the Mouse. Story of 3 Sioux Scouts." Pretty
AWESOME stuff! |
 | Storytelling
Resources - These pages are dedicated to the art of Storytelling.
There are many uses for this term, but for the purposes of this page,
we are talking about the artform of the oral tradition where a teller
imparts story before one or more listeners. On this site, you will
find information about several excellent organizations as well as
events and trends in storytelling. There will also be links to other
storytelling resources, such as other storytelling Web pages and story
sources on the Internet. |

Search the Net for MORE Scouting Stories and Lore!

Pack 121 Leader - Michael
The Pack 121 web site is maintained by
Jennifer Todd-Whitson and Kellie

Pack 121 is a member of the
Mohegan Council
19 Harvard St.
Worcester, MA 01609-2870
Phone: 508-752-3768
This page was updated on 10/17/00