Songs, Yells, Chants
| Who
Says You Can't Become a Conductor? - We included this link first
in our Song-Links collection for obvious reasons! Sometime or other,
every Scouter is called upon to conduct a sing song. And that's easy,
you just say, "One, two, three sing!", right? Well, unless
the song is three beats to a bar and starts off on beat one, you may
find yourself trying to lead chaos. |
| Songs
from Campfire Chaos - Action Songs, quiet songs, Cub songs, and
Beaver songs including: The Ants, Pizza Hut, Boom Chick a Boom, Black
Crow Sprit, Old MacDonald, Alice the Camel, The Elephant, The Chicken
Song, Gopher Guts, March in the Army, Splat, My Bonnie, Canoe Song,
Scout Vespers, Make New Friends, We're All Together Again, Tarzan
Song, Charlie is a pigeon, Little Cabin, Grey Squirrel, I'm a little
Beaver, The Cat Came Back, and more! |
| Songs
for Scouts - Macscouter - The MacScouter Songs for Scouts
collection has grown quite large. It has now expanded beyond Gross
Songs to include some good old Campfire Songs, silly songs and chants
and songs for Leaders. The Campfire Songs included here are ones that
are not that easy to find. Also, you may NOT find some very familiar
songs here. Turns out that lots of songs we sing around the campfire
are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced on a Web Site. While you are
visiting MacScouter, stop by the MacScouter's
Bookstore. if you're looking for camping and youth group
songbooks. |
| The
Guide Zone Songbook! - GuideZone - Included in these pages are a
vast number of songs, gathered from all over the globe. They are
broken down into the following catagories: Introduction and Warm-up
songs, Rounds, Silly Action Songs, Yells, Chants and Repeating Songs,
Other Silly Songs, Slower Songs, Guiding-Themed Songs, Miscellaneous
Songs, Graces, Vespers and Closings You are welcome to print these
songs from the GuideZone web-site, of downloaded to your local
computer. The downloads are each in a ZIP compressed text file that
can be viewed and printed from most any application. |
| Jayne's
Song Book - From Jayne Nielsen of the Cambridge University Scout
and Guide Club, this collection of 64 songs are indexed by: Opening
Songs, General Songs, Action Songs, Rounds, Shouts, Guide's Own, Quiet
Songs, and Closing Songs These songs are good ones for Cubs! |
| The
Lakewood Children's Songbook - From Nick DiFlavio, of Niagara
University in western New York, an excellent songbook for Cub Scouts!
Over 110 songs for Cubs and sibs to sing around the campfire, or in a
Pack (or Den) meeting. Songs are indexed alphabetically. |
| The
Digital Traditions Folksong Database Search Page - This is a
searchable index of the Digital Tradition Folk Song Database,
containing over 6500 songs! Type in the name of the song you're
looking for, and WHOOP there it is! |
| Songs
for Scouts to Sing - This collection, compiled by Neil B. Savage,
contains words to songs that reflect time-honored singing traditions
of various Scout organizations in English-speaking nations. It omits
songs with lyrics that are closely identified with a specific Scout
organization, focusing instead on those would appeal to any sort of
Scout or Guide, boy or girl. Songs are catgorized by: Universal Scout
Songs, Action songs, Silly songs, Songs of the Sea, Reverent songs,
Graces, Songs with Biblical themes, Heritage songs, and Patriotic
songs. |
| More
Songs for Scouts to Sing - This the second volume of words to
songs that reflect time-honored singing traditions of various Scout
organizations in English-speaking nations. As with the first volume,
it is short on songs with lyrics that are specific to a particular
Scout organization, focusing instead on those would appeal to any sort
of Scout or Guide, boy or girl. Songs are catgorized by: Action songs,
Friendship, Love, and Peace songs, National Anthem, Rounds and Part
songs, Silly songs, Traditional, and Western songs. |
| For
Scouts' Own - A "Scouts Own" is an inspirational
ceremony, usually built around a central theme, such as friendship,
world peace, save the earth, or appreciation of the world around us.
Neil Savage has collected 87 "Scouts Own's" that are
documented on these pages. Just about any topic consistent with the
principles and program goals of Scouting is appropriate. The important
thing is that it be the work of the kids themselves---from start to
finish. Developed originally for Girl Scouting, many of these pieces
are universal, and translate well into Cub Scouting. |
| Campfire
Song Book - From the South African Scouting Collection - An
excellent collection of over 100 International Scouting songs. Songs
are catagorized by: Traditional campfire - serious, Scouts own,
Traditional campfire - religious, Action songs, Call-and-response,
Everyone knows it, classics, Old classics, Teams of verses, Rounds,
Easy to catch on, Audience adds verses, Classic childrens songs, Silly
variations, Americana, Scout camp songs, Almost crude but not, Crude
songs, Joseph, It ain't gonna rain no more, Well you can't get to
heaven,Pop songs, Gross songs, Spoken, Skit songs, Party pieces, Nkosi
Sikelel' iAfrika, Simon & Garfunkel, Serious Pop, Classic Pop, Sad
Songs, |
| Scouting
Songbook - From the Jim Speirs Scouting Page in Ontario Canada,
this is a VERY vast collection! Jim says: "This Songbook is a
compilation of songs that I have collected over the years, either from
training handouts, local publications, and a couple of old Scout
songbooks that came into my possession. I really didn't realize how
many there were until I started to index them all. It has been
supplemented by songs from Rob Quianthy's web site, which, sad to say,
is no longer operating. All is not 'lost', however... Rob sent me
copies of all of his collection, so I've converted his files to my
format and included them here. :)" |
| Tiger
Cub Songs - From the great folks at Pow Wow OnLine - Resources for
Cub Scout Leaders, these songs are just for Tigers! All time hits
include: "Tiger, Tiger, Little Scout, Good Tiger Cubs, T-I-G-E-R,
and of course Tiger Cub Vespers. |
| Mike
Pierce's Songbook - A nice collection of Scouting songs compiled
by Mike Pierce of Wichata, KS, Songs are catagorized by: Action Songs,
Traditional Songs, Scouting Songs, Camp Specific Songs, Patiotic
Songs, National Anthem, Songs to Battle Hymn Tune, Inspirational
Songs, Reverent Songs, Rounds, Silly Songs, Miscelanious Songs, and
Acknowledgements |
| Campfire
Sing-Along - From Cottage Country Online, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,
this site contains 72 alpha-indexed, Cub approved songs. As they wax
poetic.... "The warmth of flame on sun-drenched skin, and the
sweet melody of voices rising up into a star-bright sky . . . the
fireside sing-along marks the end of a perfect cottage day! For many
of us the tune is unforgettable, but the words may fade with time. We
hope this collection of old favourites will help spark some happy
memories for you." |
| Scout
Song Book - US Scouting Service Project - Compiled by Rick Rambo,
Portland, OR, this is a large collection consisting of 110 songs. Rick
says: "This Song book was created in an effort to get my troop to
be more interested in singing, as a part of my Woodbadge ticket. I
used PC Write when I was creating the book, so some reformatting might
be necessary if you want to use the whole book, but you might just
want to use it as a resource for more songs for your unit." |
| Nederlands
Talige Song Pagina - From the Woudlopers/R. Kipling groep in
Holland, this large collection offers both a 'frames' and 'no-frames'
version of the song-book. The focus here is songs for older Scouts,
but there are some good ones for Cubs too. The site contains 105 songs
that are indexed alphabetically. Not all of these songs are in
English, but hey, not all Scouts speak English either! Check 'em out! |
| Grant's
Scouting Songbook - From Grant O'Neil in Perth, Australia, this is
an excellent collection of over 50 songs for Scouts. Grant has taken
Scout Song-sites to a new level, as well, by adding AUDIO for most of
the songs in his collection (MIDI or WAV plug-in required)! Songs are
indexed by the following catagories: Traditional Scouting Songs,
Opening, Action Songs, Rounds, Lively, Fun, Quieter - for near the
end, Closing, Miscellaneous (Skits etc.) |
| Campfire
Cheers from The Virtual Campsite - A giant list of cheers for your
Pack Cheer-master. These cheers are short and sweet. They are great
for bringing your group together, recognizing someone for a job
well-done, and waking up your 'sleepers.' |
| Cheers,
Yells and Applause's - More great work from "The Virtual
Campsite" as compiled by Daniel R. Mott, Roundtable Staff
District 23, West Jordan, Utah (With a couple contributions by Gary
Hendra, Pack 105, Milpitas, CA) "Applause stunts are a great way
to recognize a person or den/patrol in a troop/pack meeting for some
accomplishment they have performed. Be sure before you start that
everyone knows and understands the applause stunt and how to do it.
Applause stunts serve more then one purpose they not only provide
recognition but also help liven up a meeting. Applause stunts need to
be fun. Strive for quality of performance in your stunts. |
| Lullabies
and Other Songs for Children - From Terry Frewin, Victoria,
Vancouver, Canada, this collection includes over 520 (!) songs. This
is a nice collection for younger Scouts. All songs are indexed
alphabetically, and each song is displayed on it's own page to
facilitate printing. Nice job, Terry! |
| Songs
from the Scouters Belay - From Jeff Menaker, in the Cradle of
Liberty Council in Pennsylvania, this nice collection has it's roots
in the Delmont Scout Reservation's 1996 Songbook. It has been updated
and added to over the years, and now contains dozens of songs that are
alphabetically indexed. Included are: Action Songs, Traditional Songs,
Scouting Songs, Patriotic Songs, Songs with Battle Hymn Tune, Silly
Songs, Gross Songs, Cheers, Run ons, and short skits. Nice job! |
Search the Net for MORE Scouting Songs!
| UseNet
Songs Discussions - Search the UseNet rec.scouting discussion
groups for 'Cub Scout Song' ideas. |
on Scouting Songs - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics
involving Scouting Songs. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends,
and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom. |
| Search
the Web for Scouting Songs - Search the AltaVista index for
Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Songs'
ideas. |
Pack 121 Leader - Michael
The Pack 121 web site is maintained by
Jennifer Todd-Whitson and Kellie
Pack 121 is a member of the
Mohegan Council
19 Harvard St.
Worcester, MA 01609-2870
Phone: 508-752-3768
This page was updated on 10/17/00