Games and Fun Stuff
 | The
Games Compendium - A collection of games suitable for Scouting. It
is based on the Scouting Games FAQ with many suggestions from Scouters
and Guide leaders. The games in the compendium have been chosen for
their ease of preparation and practicality in Scouting today. All of
the games in the compendium follow a standard format. Each game has
icons for duration and activity making it easy to pick games from the
list at a moments notice! Included are: No preparation Games, Races
and Relays, Obstacle Courses, Little Preparation Games, Pencil and
Paper Games, Memory Games, Water Games, Wide Games, and Strategy
Games. WOW! |
 | Games
For All Ages and Purposes - From Steve Tobin's Virtual Campsite,
here you will find hundreds of Scout games. Check out "Games for
Cubs" and "More Cub Games." Included are: Nature Games
, Evening Games, Relay Games, Water Games, and Team Games. Nice! |
 | Games
for Beaver Scouts - From the Scouters at ScoutBase UK, here you
will find dozens of games. These games are intended for Cubs in the
1st, and 2nd grades. Included are: Quiet Games, Basic Team Games,
Numbered Team Games, Basic Individual Games, Lodge / Six / Patrol
Games, Relay Games, and Ball Games. |
 | Games
for Cub Scouts - From the Scouters at ScoutBase UK, here you will
find dozens of games. These games are intended for Cubs in the 3rd,
4th, and 5th grades. Quiet Games, Basic Team Games, Numbered Team
Games, Basic Individual Games, Lodge / Six / Patrol Games, Relay
Games, and Ball Games. |
 | The
Great Games Resource - Featured here is the MacScouter's Big Book
of Skits. The Big Book has been divided into two volumes, one for
younger and one for older Scouts, because the document is roughly 250
pages in length. A GIANT Cub game resource! |
 | Games
(FAQ 11-rec.scouting) Part 1 - This file is Part 1 of the
"games FAQ" and includes games collected on rec.scouting, and scouts-l, for your pack, den or troop activities. Due to
its size, this FAQ has been split into 2 separate postings. If you
know a good game that hasn't been included in this FAQ, please do all
of us a favor and post it on rec.scouting. Sending copies to Bill
Nelson |
 | Children's
Games and Contests - Maintained by Lady Lźofsige O-Caoimh, known
as Lyssa, this collection of games are great for Scouts of all ages.
Lyssa says "This started as brief listing of children's games and
contests which have been run at events. As I spend more time on the
internet and the Rialto, it seems to keep growing. Where possible, if
a game is based on a game played in period, documentation references
have been provided. Games are indexed in two categories, Non-Fighting
and Fighting and/or Fighting Related." Sounds a lot worse than it
is! The weapons are all Nerf! Check it out. |
 | Games
(FAQ 11-rec.scouting) Part 2 - This file is Part 2 of the
"games FAQ" If you know a good game that hasn't been
included in this FAQ, please do all of us a favor and post it on
rec.scouting. Sending copies to Bill Nelson |
 | Semantic
Rhyming Dictionary - A GREAT Web tool you can use to help you
write poetry, song lyrics, greeting cards, witticisms, and lots more.
Using three phonetic query functions, you can find words that rhyme
with, almost rhyme with, or sound exactly the same as a certain target
word that you supply. |
 | Sign
Up for Mars! - On December 3, 1999 the Mars Polar Lander will
enter the Martian atmosphere encased in a protective shell and traveling
at hypersonic speed. Its parachute will open and it will
rendezvous with the planet's surface at a predetermined spot within
500 miles of the Martian south pole. NASA invites you of be a part of
this historic event. This website's goal is to collect 1 million names
of school children from around the world, and combine these names on a
CD-ROM that is going to be included in the payload of the Mars Polar
Lander. |

Search the Net for MORE Scouting Games!
 | UseNet
Games Discussions - Search the UseNet rec.scouting discussion
groups for 'Cub Scout Games' ideas. |
on Scouting Games - Search the SCOUTS-L archives for topics
involving Scouting Games. SCOUTS-L is the roundtable that never ends,
and now contains over 7 years of Scouting discussion wisdom. |
 | Search
the Web for Scouting Games - Search the AltaVista index for
Web-sites you can visit, that contain information on 'Cub Scout Games'
ideas. |

Pack 121 Leader - Michael
The Pack 121 web site is maintained by
Jennifer Todd-Whitson and Kellie

Pack 121 is a member of the
Mohegan Council
19 Harvard St.
Worcester, MA 01609-2870
Phone: 508-752-3768
This page was updated on 10/17/00