Cub Scout Sports:
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the Swimming Sports Belt Loop
- Explain basic rules of safety for swimming. Emphasize the buddy
- Pass the "beginner" swim level test.
- Demonstrate the ability to float on your back.

Requirements for the Swimming Sports Pin
Earn the Swimming belt loop, and complete five of the following
- Learn two of the following strokes: crawl, backstroke, elementary
backstroke, sidestroke, or breaststroke.
- Learn two of the following floating skills: jellyfish float,
float, canoe (prone) float
- Using a kickboard, demonstrate three kinds of kicks.
- Play a water game with your den or family.
- Visit with a lifeguard and talk about swimming safety in various
situations (pool, lake, river, ocean). Learn about the training a
lifeguard needs for his or her job.
- Explain the three rescue techniques of Reach, Throw, and Go.
- Take swimming lessons.
- Attend a swim meet at a school or community pool.
- Tread water for 30 seconds.
- Learn about a U.S. swimmer who has earned a medal in the Olympics.

General Sports Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Sports belts loops and
 | Belt loops and pins are earned only by Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and
Webelos Scouts (not adults).
 | The archery and BB-gun shooting belt loops and pins must be earned
under BSA range-trained supervision. The BB-gun shooting loop and
pin must be earned at a BSA facility range.
 | Requirements may be adjusted to accommodate the special needs of
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts with disabilities.
 | Webelos Scouts may earn a belt loop or pin a second time to
qualify for Webelos activity badges.
 | Boys may earn belt loops more than once; however, leaders should
encourage boys to try different requirements and earn the pin. Packs
should have a clear policy in place about whether the pack or the
boy's family is responsible for the cost of awards earned more than
once. |
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Cub-Safe Swimming Resources for Kids
 | Cross-Atlantic Swimming
Challenge - follow Ben Lecomte as he attempts to swim 2,950
miles across the Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to France to
raise money for cancer research.
 | All
About Swimming - includes information on the history of
swimming, water safety, and swimming basics, as well as synchronized
swimming and water polo.
 | California Junior
Lifeguards - so, you want to be a lifeguard? Find out how and
listen to some cool surf tunes at this site.
 | Finswimming
Australia - find out what it is and see a picture of a
finswimmer in action.
 | Freddo
Frog's Pond - internet home of Cadbury Chocolate's Freddo Frog
from Australia. Learn about Australian environmental and swimming
safety campaigns, play games, or send e-mail to Freddo.
 | Manhattan Island Foundation
- find out about the swim around Manhattan Island, the NYC water
festival, and more.
 | South Carolina Swimming -
this official site governs competitive swimming in the Palmetto
State. Contains information, schedules, membership, pictures, meet
results, and more.
 | Speedo (official) -
interviews, events, news and more about swimming, beach volleyball
and the triathlon.
 | Swim Recruiting Online -
if you're a swimmer, you can submit your personal profile along with
your swimming stats.
 | United States Masters Swimming
- swimming for life for all ages.
 | US Swimming Connection -
become e-mail pals with kid swimmers across the country. |
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