Cub Scout Sports: BB Shooting
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the BB Shooting Sports Belt Loop
The BB gun loop, pin and letter can be awarded only by a certified Cub
Scout BB gun shooting director at a BSA approved camp
A Cub Scout Sport for Camp Only, Shooting Sports for Cub Scouts,
Webelos Scouts, and Parents in Camp, No. 13-550, has been developed for
those who will give guidance to Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts in
learning BB-gun and archery shooting-sports skills while in camp.
The safety and shooting participation belt loop (BB shooting) can
only be awarded with approval of the camp BB-gun shooting-sports
director to Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts who meet the following
- Complete camp basic BB-gun marksmanship safety course.
- Complete the following shooting requirements:
- Fire five groups of shots (three shots per group) that can be
covered by a quarter, and then adjust the BB gun sight.
- Fire a pro-marksman score of five bull's-eyes-TQ-40-in five
shots each, achieving a minimum score of eight per shot.

Requirements for the BB Shooting Sports Pin
The BB
shooting-sports pin is earned by participating in the camp BB-gun safety
program and qualifying in all of the firing activities listed here with
parent or adult partner.
Safety Instruction (with parent approval) |
15 |
Pro Marksman (bench rest) |
5 |
Marksman I (standing position) |
10 |
Marksman II (prone position) |
10 |
Marksman III (kneeling position) |
10 |
Marksman IV (sitting position) |

General Sports Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Sports belts loops and