Cub Scout Sports: Archery
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the Archery Sports Belt Loop
In the year 2000, archery, like BB-gun shooting, becomes a camp
program. Boys can earn archery recognition items only at
council/district day camp, resident camp, or council-managed family
camping programs.
- Do your best to learn about the things in the Cub Scout Sports -
Archery book (BSA #34274)
- by using the physical techniques in practice or play in your den
or pack or in your community or as an individual Cub Scout working
with an adult.

Requirements for the Archery Sports Pin
For Cub Scouts and adults to recognize development over a three month
period. One point is earned for 30 minutes spent participating or
practicing archery. If a scout accumulates 60 points within a three
month (90 day) period he is eligible for a pin.
If the scout's adult partner participates with the scout in the
activity and accumulates 60 points with a 90-day period, he or she is
also eligible for a pin.
Note: These rules will only apply until January, 2000

General Sports Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Sports belts loops and