Cub Scout Academics: Wild Life Conservation
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the Wildlife Conservation Academics Belt
Complete these three requirements:
- Explain what natural resources are and why it's important to
protect and conserve them.
- Make a poster that shows and explains the food chain. Describe to
your den what happens if the food chain becomes broken or damaged.
- Learn about an endangered species. Make a report to your den that
includes a picture, how the species came to be endangered, and what
is being done to save it.

Requirements for the Wildlife Conservation Academics Pin
Earn the Wildlife Conservation belt loop, and complete five of the
following requirements:
- Visit a wildlife sanctuary, nature center, or fish hatchery.
- Collect and read five newspaper or magazine articles that discuss
conservation of wildlife and report to your family or den what you
- Learn about five animals that use camouflage to protect
- Make a birdbath and keep a record for one week of the different
birds that visit it.
- Make a collage of animals that are in the same class: fish,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals.
- Make a plaster cast of an animal track. Show it to your den.
- Visit with a person who works in wildlife conservation, such as a
park ranger, biologist, range manager, geologist, horticulturist,
zookeeper, fishery technician, or conservation officer.
- Visit a state park or national park.
- Participate in an environmental service project that helps
maintain habitat for wildlife, such as cleaning up an area or
planting trees.

General Academics Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Academics belts loops and
 | Belt loops and pins are earned only by Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and
Webelos Scouts (not adults).
 | Requirements may be adjusted to accommodate the special needs of
boys with disabilities.
 | Webelos Scouts may earn a belt loop or pin a second time to
qualify for Webelos activity badges.
 | Boys may earn belt loops more than once; however, leaders should
encourage boys to try different requirements and earn the pin. Packs
should have a clear policy in place about whether the pack or the
boy's family is responsible for the cost of awards earned more than
once. |
| | |

Cub-Safe Wildlife Conservation Resources for Kids
- Endangered
Animals from Yahooligans
- Belize
Audubon Society - organization dedicated to preservation of the
natural resources and animals in Belize.
- Carnivore
Preservation Trust - animal conservation organization dedicated
to saving species whose disappearance would automatically lead to
the loss of the world's tropical rain forest.
- Conservation
Breeding Specialist Group - This groups helps protect threatened
plants and animals. Explore the global zoo directory.
- Friends
of the Prairie Learning Center - this center on the Neal Smith
National Wildlife Refuge has information on the plants and animals
of the prairie, as well as info on restoration and preservation of
- National
Wildlife Federation - read the magazine from the National
Wildlife Federation or take a tour to find games and riddles.
- National
Wildlife Federation - Kid's Page - play games, go on cool tours
of environmental habitats, even test your environmental savvy.
- Ranger
Rick - this cool magazine for kids has monthly activities and
suggestions for how you can help the Earth. Some articles in Spanish
- Quebec
Biodiversity Website - learn about the animals of Quebec and
conservation and biodiversity issues in the region.
- Rocky
Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) - international wildlife
conservation organization whose mission is to ensure the future of
elk, other wildlife, and their habitat. Includes lots of elk facts.
- Tusk Trust
- read about this organization started by a team of young people
determined that their generation will not be the last to experience
the true wonder of African wildlife.
- Wildlife
Conservation Society - this group runs the New York Aquarium and
other zoos and works to save wildlife and wild lands throughout the
- Wildlife
Preservation Trust International - concentrating on saving and
helping endangered species.
- Audubon
Magazine - read brief online versions of articles about birds,
other wildlife, and the environment.
- Audubon
Society's WatchList for Kids - learn which North American bird
species are facing population decline and why. Get tips on bird
watching and how to make your backyard bird friendly.
- National
Audubon Society - learn about this national oganization and the
ecosystems, birds, and other wildlife it helps to conserve and
- New
Jersey Audubon Society - fostering environmental awareness and a
conservation ethic.
- Western
Pennsylvania Audubon Society - information on birding,
education, and hiking.
- Conservation
Action Network - from the World Wildlife Fund. Join to help save
endangered species and protect the environment.
- Fight
for Survival: Four Decades of Conserving Africa1s Rhinos -
fact-filled report from the WWF that follows the history of Rhino
conservation from the 1960s to present day.
- Pennies
for the Planet 1999 - annual kids campaign from the WWF where
kids collect, earn, save, and send in pennies to support global
conservation efforts. Begins on Earth Day, April 22, and runs
through the summer.
- Species
at Risk - World Wildlife Fund site dedicated to identifying and
providing information on the endangered animals around the planet.
- World
Wildlife Fund - largest privately supported international
conservation organization in the world, dedicated to protecting the
world's wildlife and wildlands.
Global Network - help save the Earth, and learn something along
the way.
- WWF's
Climate Change Campaign - focusing on issues related to global
- WWF:
Global Campaign to Reduce the Use of Toxic Chemicals - effort by
the World Wildlife Fund to increase scientific understanding of
toxic chemicals and to restrict or ban harmful chemicals to save
- WWF:
Saving the Amazon - find out how WWF is protecting the world's
richest rain forest, hear Amazon sounds, send an e-postcard, and
learn about the species who reside in this natural treasure.