Cub Scout Academics: Geography
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the Geography Academics Belt
Complete these three requirements:
- Draw a map of your neighborhood. Show natural and manmade
features. Include a key or legend of map symbols.
- Learn about the physical geography of your community. Identify the
major landforms within 100 miles. Discuss with an adult what you
- Use a world globe or map to locate the continents, the oceans, the
equator, and the northern and southern hemispheres. Learn how
longitude and latitude lines are used to locate a site.

Requirements for the Geography Academics Pin
Earn the Geography belt loop, and complete five of the following
- Make a three-dimensional model of an imaginary place. Include five
different landforms, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, deltas,
rivers, buttes, plateaus, basins, and plains.
- List 10 cities around the world. Calculate the time it is in each
city when it is noon in your town.
- Find the company's location on the wrapper or label of 10 products
used in your home, such as food, clothing, toys, and appliances. Use
a world map or atlas to find each location.
- On a map, trace the routes of some famous explorers. Show the map
to your den or family.
- On a United States or world map, mark where your family members
and ancestors were born.
- Keep a map record of the travels of your favorite professional
sports team for one month.
- Read a book (fiction or nonfiction) in which geography plays an
important part.
- Take part in a geography bee or fair in your pack, school, or
- Choose a country in the world and make a travel poster for it.
- Play a geography-based board game or computer game. Tell an adult
some facts you learned about a place that was part of the game. 11.
Draw or make a map of your state. Include rivers, mountain ranges,
state parks, and cities. Include a key or legend of map symbols.

General Academics Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Academics belts loops and
 | Belt loops and pins are earned only by Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and
Webelos Scouts (not adults).
 | Requirements may be adjusted to accommodate the special needs of
boys with disabilities.
 | Webelos Scouts may earn a belt loop or pin a second time to
qualify for Webelos activity badges.
 | Boys may earn belt loops more than once; however, leaders should
encourage boys to try different requirements and earn the pin. Packs
should have a clear policy in place about whether the pack or the
boy's family is responsible for the cost of awards earned more than
once. |
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Cub-Safe Geography Resources for Kids
 | Geo Globe: -
Interactive Geography - explore the world - interactive puzzles,
landmarks, mazes, and more.
 | National
Geography Bee - national competition sponsored by the National
Geographic Society for students in grades four through eight.
 | Puzzles Of the Earth -
this interactive ThinkQuest entry has lots of information and
theories about geography, plate tectonics, and related topics.
 | Aristotle
and Ptolemy in the Virtual Classroom - brief descriptions of
Aristotle's and Ptolemy's beliefs on the Earth and geography. |
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