Cub Scout Academics: Communicating
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may
complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community
environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners.
Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Requirements for the Communicating Academics Belt
Complete these three requirements:
- Tell a story or relate an incident to a group of people, such as
your family, den, or members of your class.
- Write a letter to a friend or relative.
- Make a poster about something that interests you. Explain the
poster to your den.

Requirements for the Communicating Academics Pin
Earn the Communicating belt loop, and complete five of the following
- Write an original poem or story.
- Keep a journal of daily activities for at least seven days.
- Listen to a news story on television or the radio. Discuss the
information with an adult.
- Go to the library. Use the card catalog or computer reference
system to find a book, and then check it out.
- Read a book that has been approved by your parent or teacher.
Discuss the book with an adult.
- With a friend, develop a skit. Perform it at a Scout meeting,
family meeting, or school event.
- Learn the alphabet in sign language. Learn how to sign 10 words.
- With an adult, use the Internet to search for information on a
topic of interest to you.
- Watch three television commercials and discuss the information in
them with your parent or den leader.
- Read the directions for a new game. Explain to a family member or
friend how to play it.
- Learn about "reading" materials for people who have poor
vision or who are blind.
- While traveling, make a list of road signs, animals, or license
plates that you see.

General Academics Requirements
Following are the requirements for earning the Academics belts loops and
 | Belt loops and pins are earned only by Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and
Webelos Scouts (not adults).
 | Requirements may be adjusted to accommodate the special needs of
boys with disabilities.
 | Webelos Scouts may earn a belt loop or pin a second time to
qualify for Webelos activity badges.
 | Boys may earn belt loops more than once; however, leaders should
encourage boys to try different requirements and earn the pin. Packs
should have a clear policy in place about whether the pack or the
boy's family is responsible for the cost of awards earned more than
once. |
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Cub-Safe Communicating Resources for Kids
 | Reaching Out: The
Evolution Of Communication - learn about the evolution of human
communication. This great ThinkQuest site covers cave drawings,
alphabets, human languages, computers, writing, and much much more.
 | The
Telephone and Telegraph - Traces the history and evolution of
these means of communication from a report by a student at the
Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences.
 | Kids' Space Connection -
an international communication site for young ambassadors. Find a
new penpal or post a message.
 | Science Museum London - cool
exhibits including one about science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke
who predicted satellite communications before the space age began.
 | Oregon School for the Deaf -
This school provides a total communication environment for deaf
students. |
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