April 2000

April 2000 November 2000

The Cub Calendar

April 2000

Spring is Here!

April Pack Meeting,
Friday, April 14th, 7PM

The theme for this evening will be Seeds & Things. Spring is here and what better way to greet its arrival than to have the Pack help start your gardens off right. Please bring your green thumbs! Rank advancement and other awards for all dens not presented in February and March will be presented on this night. A representative from council will also give a short presentation on their fund raising program, Friends of Scouting.

Committee Meeting,
April 30th 4:00 PM

We need to finalize plans for the May Pack meeting, as well as our summer events. All dens must be represented! This is the ideal time to pay den dues, to find out what is going with Pack 121 and to get involved and help our Pack stay strong. All meetings are held at the church.

Memorial Day Parade, Monday, May 29th

Please come and join the pack to honor our fallen soldiers and veterans in the annual Auburn Memorial Day Parade. Sign up sheets and more information will be available at the April and May Pack meetings.

Pinewood Derby

A good time was had by all. We had 45 racers who all put a lot of time and effort into their cars. Awards will handed out at the April Pack meeting.


Dues money is to be collected by the dens every month. The amount is $5/ boy, of which $3.50 stays with the den to help pay for den activities. $1.50 is given to the pack treasurer, Karen Millay, to help offset awards and badges.

Pack Web Sight

Our web site now up and running!
It is located at


Our site now includes on-line request forms for pins and belt loops as well as criteria for these awards. There is also additional information on ideas for den meetings and “kid friendly” internet sites to assist with different projects. Since this effort will be constantly “under construction”, she will need help with ideas and suggestions. If you would like to help with the web page, or have suggestions, send an email to Jennifer Todd-Whitson at


Congratulations Bowlers, you helped raise almost $200.00 for the Pack. Thank You to all those who participated and to those parents who helped out.

Human-I-Tees Fundraiser

This is a wonderful way to help raise some funds for the pack, and get something nice in return. Sue Baker is in charge again, and will be looking to get any remaining order forms back at the April Pack Meeting so that all orders can be filled and handed out at the May Pack meeting.

Battleship Cove Sleepover
June 10th-11th

59 People have signed up to attend, and initial deposits have been made. The only way to be added to the list is as an alternate in case someone else can’t make it. The final payment will be due in April.

Pawtucket Red Sox Trip, Saturday, June 16th

Our annual trip to see the PawSox is always a lot of fun. This is a great way to see exciting baseball at a reasonable cost. Bring the whole family, everyone is invited. Sign up sheets will be available at the April and May Pack meetings. The May Pack meeting will be the last time to sign up for tickets. Further information with directions and tickets will be mailed later.

Bottle & Can Drive
Sat. July 8th 8:30 – 2 Auburn Fire Station

Please help us raise funds to help support the Pack and all its activities. Come on down and spend a few hours helping out. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Pack. Start saving your returnables now! Sign up sheets will be available at the April and May Pack meetings.

Family Summer Camping
August 18th – 20th

We are planning to camp at Winter Island in Salem, MA. This is a family event, not just for the scouts. Local attractions included the Salem Witch Museum, New England Pirate Museum, Salem Willows Seaside Park and many more. This camp ground, the site of an old military fort and Coast Guard base, is right on the Atlantic Ocean with a nice beach. Sign Up and more information at the May Pack meeting.

Leader Training

All den leaders and their assistants should be trained, in order to better help them run their dens. This is done in either 1 or 2 sessions, and the pack will pick up the cost. If you have not yet attended, please see Mike D. for available training dates.

Pack 121 Leader - Michael Daigneault

The Pack 121 web site is maintained by
Jennifer Todd-Whitson and Kellie Malo

Pack 121 is a member of the
Mohegan Council
19 Harvard St.
Worcester, MA 01609-2870
Phone: 508-752-3768